
お待たせしました!!コロナ禍でstay home中の方々が多い中お取り寄せでお家時間を少しでも楽しく、リラクゼーション、グルメタイムにして早くこの激動の時間が終わることを皆で祈りながら日々のlife timeを過ごしてみてはどうでしょうか?


Yamagata prefecture is one of famouse harvest foods region and there are many sophysticated and verouse of orchard fruits ,rice , beef, sake etc.

our branded direct farming foods are one of our proud and its quality would be one of best quality Japanese food products .

I know they are so expensive however their parents+farmars are hardly raising and growing as best foods . please once try Japanese one branded direct farming products from us and enjoy with family , friends at home .